Jeremy Knight Reveals His SECRETS To Real Estate YouTube Success!

In a revealing interview filled with nuggets of wisdom and secrets learned on his YouTube journey, Jeremy Knight, an Elite Agent at REAL Broker based in Austin, Texas, unveils the video-focused strategies that propelled his business to new heights. Jeremy mastered the art of leveraging YouTube to strengthen his real estate business, and provides an invaluable roadmap to success on the platform in this interview he lays out his entire business model and best practices.

The Power of YouTube in Real Estate

Jeremy’s YouTube success really coincided with the 2020 pandemic, a period that saw many turning to video creation due to the limitations on physical movement. He recalls, "During that time, I feel like a lot of us really started focusing on video. Can't really go out, so you might as well just stay in and create some YouTube content." This shift wasn't just a pastime; it became a pivotal moment for his career. By harnessing the potential of long-form content on YouTube, Jeremy's YouTube channel and business has grown exponentially!

Leveraging Long-Form VS Short-Form Content

Central to Jeremy's YouTube success is his emphasis on long-form content. He believes that this format has been more effective in building trust with his audience compared to short-form videos. "It's a lot harder to create trust in 30 to 60 seconds," Jeremy explains. His focus is on delivering valuable content that educates his audience on critical aspects of real estate and finance. This approach not only engages viewers but also establishes Jeremy as a trusted authority in his field.

YouTube vs Other Social Media

While Jeremy acknowledges the role of other social media platforms, he credits YouTube as the primary source of his leads, contributing to about 80% of his business. He points out the importance of knowing where to focus one's efforts. "I'm a big believer in sticking to what you know best," he says, emphasizing the effectiveness of YouTube over other platforms like TikTok for his specific goals.

Content That Converts

Jeremy’s content strategy is not just about creating engaging videos; it's about producing content that translates into real business. He advises on focusing on content that "actually gets me business." This involves educating the audience on financial fundamentals and making informed choices in the real estate market. By positioning himself as more than just a real estate agent, but as a financial educator, Jeremy adds significant value to his audience, encouraging them to engage with his services.

Video Tours

One of Jeremy’s innovative content approaches involves property tours. He explains how simple it can be, "You can do that on your phone, walk around a property, and then market it." He plans to dedicate a channel exclusively for video tours, underscoring his belief in targeted, purpose-driven content.

The Business Behind the Camera

A critical aspect of Jeremy's strategy is understanding the economics and logistics of video production. He talks about hiring videographers and the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing certain aspects of the content creation process. This allows him to focus on his core competencies – real estate sales and client interaction.

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Building a Team

Transitioning from a solo agent to leading a team, Jeremy highlights the importance of evolving business models in real estate. His team-based approach allows for better handling of leads and client relationships, showcasing how YouTube success can translate into scalable business growth.


Jeremy Knight’s journey is a testament to the power of strategic content creation and audience engagement. By focusing on long-form, educational content on YouTube, he has transformed his real estate business, setting a new standard in the industry. His story is an inspiration and a blueprint for others looking to harness the potential of digital platforms for business success.

Malcolm Lawson

Malcolm Lawson is a Real Estate Agent with REAL Broker, YouTuber and blogger. He is the founder of and

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